Embrace your unique path

Det här citatet jag vill dela kommer ur ett nyhetsbrev jag prenumererar på. 
Det heter ”Six at 6 on Sunday” (av Billy Oppenheimer).

”What do we say of people like Steve Jobs and Leonardo da Vinci?”
I guessed, “that they were geniuses?” 
“No,” Robert said. “That they were one of a kind.” We all are, he said. No two people have ever had the same DNA, the same experiences, the same struggles, the same perspective. 
“Embrace your unique path,” Robert said. “Embrace what makes you different, strange, even a little weird. That’s the source of your power.”

Jag tror stenhårt på det här. Vad tror du?

(på bilden: Magnifika Anna Frisk – som driver The Birth Project)